Fancy Gadam & Maccasio rule Ghana Music, You Can Argue With Your Phone I McBash Media


In this editorial, McBash Media will take a critical look at musicians in Ghana and their concert and prove why the northern- based artists are the rulers of Ghana music. We will focus on popular shows and the number of people who attended to make an informed decision which is bias free. The shows under consideration are the Bhim Concert, Shatta movement concert, Raperholic cincert, Samini Fest, Fancy Gadam Album lunch, Maccasio Album lunch etc. 

These two Northern Arstists have organized concerts back to back at the same venue and their numbers were great. They had consistently filled half of Aliu Mahama Sports stadium formerly called Tamale Sports stadium. No Accra artist has been able to do that, they organized their concerts in their comfort zones. It used to be national theater and now the Fantasy done. How many people can attend such concerts as compared to a sports stadium? The evident is very clear. 

What are the Tamale musicians doing right, to attract people from all parts of the country to their concert?  The number of people that trooped to watch Fancy Gadam's 10th anniversary concert was too huge.

Equally, the Maccasio's Glory concert yesterday, to say the number was crazy, is an understatement. They filled the Tamale Sports stadium. The Accra artists go for auditoriums, theaters, and domes not to fall short of numbers. There is something the Tamale-based artists do that no artist is does in Ghana, they should keep it up. 

I will call on all artists in Ghana including my area boys in the Upper West Region, more especially Sissala Land. Build committed movements and empires to support your course, carry them along in all your dealings. Give back to them, and don't be artist-centered, they can make you and unmake you. 

Let the music grow.


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