Richard Opoku for SRC president, his vision and mission l mcbashmedia


Mr. Richard Opoku who is popularly known as Omega  is a level 300 student of Bsc English Education in Akenten Appiah-Menka university of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED), he is one of the leading contenders for SRC president in AAMUSTED. He has all it takes to become a student leader and must be given the chance to role out his policies.

His policies touch on all aspects of student needs, his policies have be summarized into six key pillars which will be explained below. He runs a special program called Putting Students First (PSF) agenda, his policies have been drafted from student needs. He has charisma, competence and connection to take AAMUSTED to the next level. He has a workerholic vice president who is in the person of Mr. Banu Raheem.

Here are the major highlights of his manifesto;

Entertainment is one of the biggest issue he has for students, here are some of his policies under entertainment and sports.

The welfare, security and accommodation matters are some of the issues very dear to the heart of Omega, under this sector he will undertake the following.

Without health and sanitation there cannot be wealth, that's why the issues of sanitation and health have been captured as part of the priorities of Mr. Richard, when elected here are some of the specific intervention he will carry out under health and sanitation.
He has been vetted successfully and all hopes are that he will be through, so join the winning team and the favor of God shall fall on us.
PSF family to the top.
Omega and champion Raheem. 
Long live AAMUSTED.


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