The issue of sex for grades must be taken seriously - Speaker of parliament

  Yesterday's  parliament happens to be the 13th parliament for the school, The speaker of parliament for the University of Education Winneba Kumasi campus Rt Hon. Simon Abengiba Agoma, he emphasized the need for students to dress decently for lectures, he said the issue was serious and wished the school authority took it up. Yesterday the parliamentarians  for University of education Winneba met for their second time in the semester, at the setting close to 60 members (members and observers) were in attendance even though some key representives were not present.

   The motion tabled for debate was on the matter of  "sex for grades" in our universities, female students are to be blamed for not the lecturers, the minority leader Hon. Saaka Wahid opened the debate by giving a background to the topic chosen. He further elaborated his points and strongly kick against the motion saying the lecturers rather should be blamed not students, the deputy majority leader Hon. Sumaya Salifu said lecturers should be blamed because most of these ladies who get harassed normally expose their vital parts to the lecturer. She ended her submission by supporting the motion on the table, the majority leader Hon. Rockson Eastwood added to what deputy majority leader said saying no one can blame any lecturer for that.

   It was at the tail end speaker Rt Hon. Simon Abengiba Agoma ended his remarks calling on the school authorities to take up the issue for consideration, he used the occasion to advice the ladies and how they should dress for lectures. The house was adjourn to the next sitting.


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