Security alert: One word of advice to UEW-K students l Article by Kumborhu

The current Spade of insecurity in the country is a matter of concern and must be looked at with rapt attention.

Insecurity on the part of students during exams times have keep on increasing in an astronomical level and nothing is happening on grounds to curtail this canker.  Criminal activities have been "institutional" if I may say within the campus and other surrounding areas where students reside.

This is my third year on this soil and am speaking on authority that the incidences that has befallen fellow students during exams time is highly catastrophic.  Just last semester before we went on semester's break,  one guy was stabbed seriously on his way back to his hostel from studies at the Ronald Okia bulding (  popularly known as Faculity)  and the said guy has to be rushed to the 🏥hospital for immediate medication.

One of our own brother Hon,  Abdulia was ganged up by an unknown individuals who held him in hostage and took his phone.  Unfortunately,  luck eluded one of the miscreants and was apprehended by Hon. Abdulia that very night and in principle,  handed over the misguided vagabond to the police.  As I speak,  the said case is still in court still going through legal treatment when it was abundantly clear that they have ganged him up and took the phone. Hon,  Abdulia went to court for three times on the said issue but was not able to see any headway and the school went on recession.  Whether the case is still alive and the apprehended guy  also in the police custody is a matter only God knows.

Still on the cases, just yesterday at my hostel,  we are three students in a room and as usual,  slept while our phones were on charge.  One of my comrades whose bed was very closer to the window woke up to see the window net been give a ⬛square shape cut and his phone has fond its way to the "right owner (s)"

Still on the "high jacking" spree,  one Efo guy who is a co-tenant during times like this had his phoned confiscated   on the highway road just after some few walk from the second gate when coming from town ( IPT)  direction.  The said hoodlums pop out of the grown maize 🌾crops from behind with machetes and asked him to bring all that he has with him.  As poor students as we are especially at these "wala" times, couldn't provide anything than to give his phone out and to live a dejected person.  What a wicked world?

We live at dangerous times and we must be very careful especially our brothers and sisters who has just joined us.  You have to know the person you take as a friend,  do not walk alone when it's too late,  put constant 🔒lock onto your doors before sleeping among other security measures.

We are very unfortunate to live at a country where laws are made but would never be applied.  The law which on paper is "no respecter of nobody", respects people with the wherewithal.  Various people have been cited in connections with alleged cases which bothers on criminality but the lackadaisical and feet dragging attitude of our men of security to appropriately handle the matters has emboldened criminalism and perpetrators of such acts do not fear anything and operate with impunity.

Bad minds (some students inclusive)  are normally ready to track down students to seize their phones,  laptops and other valuable items during times like this.  Am very surprised at the way students leaders are not seeing anything wrong with this with their loud silence over pertinent issues but are rather interested in hiding behind Akwaba night and other less important matters to syphon you and I to hard toiled SRC dues.  What a shame?

His excellency Samuel Boateng Cliton, one of the then candidate vying for the highest office of the SRC categorically and emphatically opined that,  on the u evident that he wins power,  he is committed to mounting a police post within the campus just like KNUST that will help scale down  what I called a " broad daylight high jacking". Thank God Samuel Boateng Clinton has been voted into power.  I wasn't present based on health grounds and wasn't privileged to be part of the LA meeting they had for me to check the budget whether such thing exist.

Lets becautious of our security.

By Osman Kunborhu
Level 300 Bsc. Management Edu


Unknown said…
True talk bro. Also a victim of losing a phone . Even The Akwaaba nights and other SRC entertainments organised, they don't even call the security personnel (police). Police unit is needed
Unknown said…
Brother you have hit the nail right into the head. What a sensational message, we are proud of you.The truth they say is bitter but must be said.
McBash Media said…
Thanks you bro for your kind words.
Kings said…
May God bless you for your words , the insecurity level is very high and needs urgent addressing.

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