How can you teach clicking without a computer? Here is your answer!

   Teachers they say are the backbone of every successful country, without teachers there cannot be doctors, lawyers, bankers, accountants and many other professionals in Ghana. But over the years teachers have not been given the right remuneration to give out their best and if even a government pretend to be paying teachers well, there still luck teaching and learning materials for effective teaching(TLMs). Over the years most teachers more especially in the rural communities find it difficult to teach certain concepts and theories due to luck of these teacher resources, how do you teach a pupil to understand the concept of clicking when the child don't even know a computer or have ever seen something like a computer.

  A teacher in one of the deprived schools in Ghana tried teaching his pupils how to drag items on the monitor, this teacher lucked a computer in the school and other devices. The teacher was very quick to improvise a mouse by using other materials than a real mouse, in the video below the teacher was trying to teach these pupils how to drag. He used the table as the monitor and stones and rags as mouse pointer, he was able to do something by applying his knowledge to help the students .

 So if we continue like these as a country can we grow, why can't governments (past and present) provide TLMs for effective and efficient teaching in our schools. Governments have done their best but it seems their best is not enough to solve the problem, we know a government introduced Capitation grants to solve some of these problems but is not timely always. So they should transfer these grants before schools open for academic work for each term.


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