What Owarians Expect From The Next Hall President- An Opinion Piece By McBash

  Opoku Ware ll is one of the greatest personalities in Ghana's checkered history especially in the history of the Ashanti Kingdom. It is therefore no surprise that schools and halls including one of the most popular halls at the University of Education Winneba-Kumasi campus are affiliated to the name. 

The Opoku Ware Hall of the University of Winneba Kumasi campus has had several different student leaders since its establishment. As an Owarian who stays at the hall, I have some ideas I would like to share with the general house. I have captioned them; "The four expectations of the incoming Opoku Ware Hall President"

  The first expectation has to do  with proactive leadership. The incoming president should be on top of issues concerning the hall, plan all activities before their implementation. Why am I saying so, since I joined this noble hall, there were times we have had to live without water supply. So the incoming president should know this and never fail to ensure that there is an unrestrained supply of basic amenities.

   Secondly, the incoming hall president must make up his mind to serve because leadership is service. The president should respect all hall members equally and not lord it over people. He must eschew favouritism and nepotistic tendencies as has happened in the past. Why for example will some rooms have new mattress whiles others do not. Each member of the hall is equally important so the incoming hall president should know this and change all old mattresses in the hall. 

   In addition, effective and efficient information should be delivered as and when the need arises. In this area, I think my current president Dejoy Amankwa is doing his best but there is still room for improvement. The next president should use all available means to get all hall members informed of every little activity about the hall, his/her appointtees should seamlessly complement him like is happening now. So the incoming president should be able to communicate effectively and work as a team. 

   My last submission has to do with the white elephant by the JCRC called internet café. Something must be done to revive it. I have been to Autonomy and Atwima halls and the Wi-Fi there is working, we all paid the same hall dues yet our colleagues in the other halls are enjoying free Wi-Fi and we cannot do so. Something must be done very quickly. Getting the Wi-Fi to work should be one of the topmost priority of the new president.

   It is my considered view also that the hall cloth should be redesigned to attract us to buy it like is the case in Atwima Hall. So why can't Opoku Ware also do same by  redesigning our cloth to look nice. 

   In conclusion, these are a few viewpoints I would like to proffer hoping that the new administration will take a cue and work to make the hall outstanding. To the outgoing president Mr. Dejoy Amankwa I say bravo to your efforts, you have done your part and may you coach your succssesor to do better. To the incoming hall president, weather you are a male or female, Northerner or Southerner, tall or shot the work matters and other issues are secondary.

Thank you.

Name: Mr. McBash Bapagu
Level: A level 100 student of the hall.
School/Dep.: UEW-K(ITE)


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