Signs of Real love, Students should follow the guidelines carefully l mcbashmedia

Many assume they are in love whereas it may just be an infatuation, a one-sided feeling, or just close friendship. When one acts on these romantic and sexual emotions impulsively and without according it sufficient time, it may lead to disappointment and broken hearts.

True love includes respect, admiration, care, and never subjecting your partner to hurt, humiliation or any form of abuse.
True love may be the kind of love that many chase after or desire, but is as elusive as a butterfly. It takes time to bloom. Many find it and are rewarded with happiness.
The following are some of the signs of true love in a perfect romance (Ref. E. Arthur-“12 Signs of True Love in a Relationship”):
  • √ Give and take in love. You give to the relationship unconditionally without expecting something back from your partner.
  • √ Pure happiness. You are filled with happiness just watching your special person smile or laugh out loud even though you are having a bad day.
  • √ Pain and anger. You may feel hurt when your lover upsets you, but their actions never anger you. You cannot remain annoyed with them for long because it hurts you more.
  • √ You make sacrifices for their happiness or wellbeing even if they may not realise it.
  • √ The right effort. You go to great lengths to make efforts to improve the relationship and try to please your partner and make them feel loved and special.
  • √ You can’t hurt them. When you are truly in love with someone, you cannot hurt them in any way.
  • √ You keep your promises. When you make a promise to this person, you keep it even though this person does not know that you broke it.
  • √ When you truly love your partner, you see them as part of your life and your future.
  • √ You share their burdens. You are always willing to help in their difficulties even though you have problems of your own.
  • √ Pride and jealousy. You feel proud when they achieve something even though you may have failed at it. When you love someone, you cannot be jealous.
  • √ You are willing to suffer, just to see them happy.
  • √ Their perspective. Whenever you have plans of your own, think of your partner’s opinion before doing something for yourself.
So are you in love, or are you getting there?


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