Christmas season advice and it's importance: Article by Sinto Abdulai l mcbashmedia

Christmas is an elated elite fest which is celebrated by most Christians all over the world to remember the glorious birth of Jesus Christ.

This symbolic poignant event which comes on December 25th of every year, to mark the birth, love, and the legacies of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to save the world from the misery of sin.

Christmas is a season for; remission of Sins, rejuvenation of family tires, Love, forgiveness, and a season where goodies are shared to the poor to also feel the hope and promises that Jesus Christ brought to the world, however Christmas has been misunderstood because of diminutive knowledge by most Christians which is worrying and it calls for collective concern.

 The birth of Jesus Christ is a foundation upon which Christianity was originated and must be celebrated with aftmost care so that the purpose upon which JESUS Christ came will not be in vain.

21st century Christmas season sobers my mind making me incredulous of the kind of activities the youth involve in to make the season colorful   with material things to the detriment of the core values of Christmas, the youth use the season as an advantage to indulge in crime such as arm robbery, selling of dangerous drugs(wee, cocaine etc) in other to get money to buy material things for themselves and their girlfriends in this festive season.

The material things of this festive season(Christmas) has made our ladies victim of circumstance making them numbness when it comes to getting diseases such as sexually transmitted diseases.

The blob nature of the season has maximize the importation of everything especially alcoholic drinks which is in a peak and the youth are in a pool of alcohol which also help to increase other social vices in the society, however, all and sundry should join hands with the Ghana police service to fish out people who want to use the season as an advantage to cause crime.

In the quest of mimicking  Jesus we must make it a point to Emulate him to the fullest and stop stealing people property to celebrate Christmas and show love to the homeless so that it will be a season of crime free  and as we are approaching election year we must all preach peace in this Christmas season, during election and after election.

Lastly,  Christian council of Ghana must always draw a road map to church leaders about the kind of messages to preach during Christmas seasons and also help by going to media stations to educate people about the importance of Christmas and why we must celebrate it lovely and peacefully, also we must all commend the Ghana police service for coming out with the road map to combating crime before, during and after this Christmas season and we must all support and help them fight crime in Ghana, "Let's be citizens not spectators".


By Sinto Baluri Abdulai  a concern member of the upper west region.

TEL: 0554701987


Anonymous said…
Nice my friend

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