Nandzo hall earns Bragging rights at TUCE annual inter-halls athletics competition l Write-up by Abdul-Baari

Before the the inter-hall athletics competition started at Tumu college of education yesterday to select their athletes for the 2019/2020 inter-colleges competition, it was also about which hall earns the bragging rights in the institution.
Nandzo hall never disappointed as the athletes started accumulating the gold medals. Jangu hall gave them a pulsating challenge as the competition nears conclusion that evening but the gap was too wide to close.

At the end, it was all merry and celebrations to the faithfuls in the Nandzo hall.
Nandzo hall finished first in the overall competition  accumulating 15 gold medals, their closest rivals were Jangu with 7 goal medals closely followed by Mandela hall with 3 and then Kanton Hall finished bottom with 0ne (1) gold medal.
Mahama Sandia won the  best female athlete award. The best male athlete award for Tuce 2019 went to Apuuri Philip.
The best behaved hall award went to Kanton Hall.

At the closing ceremony, the  Chairman of the festival Mr. Dery Manblaise tasked the selected athletes to win all the trophies during inter colleges competition.
2019/2020 Inter colleges competition will take place April next year at Jahan college (Wa) and   national festival in August 2020 in the Ashanti region.

Source: on facebook
By: Zakaria Jaasu Abdul-Baari, Radford FM sports journalist. 


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