What you need to know about incoming SRC presidential hopeful l mcbashmedia

 Leadership is part of every human society and once humans meet and share ideas they should have leaders within them, The incoming SRC presidential hopeful is some one who have all the leadership qualities and can lead students.

   In university of education Winneba Kumasi campus, very soon interested students having leadership intentions will be asked to pick forms for vetting and election. It is the policy of the school that in the second semester forms are oponned for interested students to pick, the school will vet them and allow the entire student body to decide who should lead them.

  This person I am about to introduce to you is not a new face or a streng person in Kumasi campus, he has been with the students since day one. When you finish reading his post you will have no other reason than to support the brilliant ideas he wants to bring on board, his ideas will change the fortunes of the students and the school at large.


he was born in Accra - La polyclinic but comes from Kanguol in Lambussie district  in the upper west region, he is a Sissala by tribe. He can speak more than three languages in Ghana for example; sisaala, GA, Twi, Dagaare and wala, attended basic school at Kotobabi basic in the greater Accra and continued to Piina Senior high in the upper west region, he also attended  IPMC college Accra and studied office administration and graphic design. he is currently reading Bsc. Management Education at University of education Winneba kumasi campus.


   At the junior high school he was senior prefect for his school, he also became the senior prefect at the senior high level at Piina SHS were he had major successes. Some of his achievements at the senior high level include;

  • Firstly,  the Formation of Peace club.  Currently as we speak he is founder of that association for his former s.h.s .

  • In addition, During his time of administration he worked in collaboration with the headmaster to change the uniform the prefects on campus were wearing  for easy identification. 

  • Furthermore ,During his administration too, he worked with the headmaster to introduce tracksuit for the students. 

  • Lastly, he Provided SRC dust bins for the school. As an activist, he always push forward to support right things were done to people he always have the chance to lead.


 He virtually belongs to almost all the vibrant association on campus, he is an active member and contributor to students parliament Kumasi chapter, He is the SRC representative for his class also. He also belongs to debate society on Kumasi campus, Mr. Raheem is also part of Ayawaso north  youth executive  in Accra newtown. For unions he is part of Sissala students union, Waala students union, upper west students union, southern students union and many more.

Abdul Raheem is Currently working on a formation of an association called students sanitation giants,it is 70 percent done. An initiative that will help a lot of students on school and beyond.

  He is no any other person, than some peoples brother, uncle, father, leader Mr. Abdul Raheem Puoliweh Banu (Champion Raheem) and Putting students First (PSF)  is his hallmark. As we speak there is a ban on open campaigns since SRC have not given the chance yet. He will officially unveil his working document at the right time, for now you know him and what he can do, what is left is his new ideas?


Michael Balaali said…
Nice peace .
God bless you guy
You should have been in an English class cos of the passion for news writing
Thanks very much bro
McBash Media said…
OK bro, I hear your call. But in the IT department too we are doing to be doing com skills through out, I am also attached to the campus radio station where am learning alot. When the time comes we will venture into journalism.
Anyway thanks for the words of encouragement.

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