Our District Also Needs Your Attention -Concern Citizens Of Tempane Tells Gov't

The Chiefs, Queen mothers, youth and various political parties in the Tempane District of the Upper be Region, have called on government to as a matter of urgency, consider the frustration, troubles, and suffering that constituents go through daily due to bad road network across District and come to their aid. They emphasied that, the main road from Bugri-Corner through Bugri -Basyonde to Basyonde junction, Apiilug junction through Akara- Woriyanga - Yabrago to Tempane Senior High School junction, Gagbiri township to Tempane -Adomeabra and Kpikpira to Nambina roads are in a deplorable state.

They added that Tempane shares border with neighboring Togo and Burkina Faso which makes it both a booming business hub and a transit for many business between Ghana and the two countries. 

According to them, Tempane District have ten (10) viable markets but due to the bad state of their roads, revenue mobilization has reduced drastically for the past years.

This came to light during a press conference organized by concern citizens of the District and read by Haruna Assana Musah to drum home the need for government to immediately intervene in the issue. The statenent stated that,  the road from Bugri-Corner through Basyonde to Basyonde junction was awarded to a contractor three years ago with culverts and bridges constructed but has been left with heaps of gravel that poses much danger to commuters on the stretch. 

Meanwhile the roads were already in bad state before it was awarded for construction but currently in the worst state.

The statement added that, many young men have lost their lives through accident due to current state of their roads. The  nature of road network in the District, it indicated many workers have refuse posting to the area, which negatively affects the area.

The  statement further said that, though Tempane District has gotten the 'agenda 111' project, it is yet to get its share of the '1 District 1 Factory, as well as 1 village 1 dam with the ultimate goal of enhancing dry season farming. 

It also stressed, there need for the contractor handling the rural electrification project to kindly come back to site.

They are therefore given government one month to act on the issues and when the time elapsed without any tangible work on their roads, there will be series of demonstrations, which will finally end up with the blocking of government officials from the District.

Story filed by: Major Apebire.


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