Tumu Town Gets A New Roundabout at Bolga Junction I Mcbashmedia


Tumu is a town located in the Upper West region of Ghana, it shares boundaries with Gwollu to the West and Upper East to the East, Burkina Faso to the North and Walembelle to the south. Most residents in Tumu are predominantly farmers with few teachers and nurses, it is one of the oldest districts created within the region. 

The community lucks a number of social infrastructure causing the community to be under developed even though it was created after the regional capital Wa in the region. The community have inadequate roundabouts, it only has one located around Kubaru base. 

A youth group within Tumu calling itself Freedom Avenue Base this week did what most people could not do, the base have through their own resources and energy mounted a huge roundabout at Bolga junction in Tumu, is the junction that links those coming from Wa, Pulima, Dimajan and Tumu Town together. The roundabout was without any sign to show that it was a junction, it was like this before the intervention. 

Now this what the youth of Freedom Avenue base have been able to do, they have mounted lorry tyres, paint and sand to make it visible for road users around that area. here are pictures of the current state of the roundabout. 

When reporters of mcbashmedia got to the scene, their base president Mr.  Baniachin Stephen said they did it because of the number of accidents recorded this week and it was also part of their cooperate social responsibility for the community, he also said they wanted to be active citizens and not spectators. Mr. Steven said the base have earmarked a number of activities to undertake in 2021 and that they will call on other bases in Tumu to all contribute their efforts to the general development of the community. 

Oen of their base member who also doubles as the base secretary Mr. Yusau Senje took to facebook and posted this on his wall;

"Members of the most influential and award winning base in Tumu, Freedom Avenue Base have yet again as part of our Social cooperate responsibility improvise a roundabout for motorist in and outside of the Tumu township.

 This project was born out of the many pervasive accidents we recorded for the week pass. It is however our hope that after this project we either have a low record of accidents or accident free zone.



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