CORRUPTION: That Killer With No Hands And Legs by OGEE I Mcbashmedia

Every Tom, Dick and Harry sees the word as very evil. Many say; it's the very destructive tool every country must distant itself from. 

To some, actors of the word must not be counted among the living; even if we will get all of them burnt for the country to strive, that may be the best way forward. The least said about the word, the better.

Corruption, the evil among us. The unseen which devastatively destroys the fortunes of a nation, the friendly killer which is closer to us than we can imagine. The nation wrecker itself which has no hand and legs but its destruction is almost irreparable

But to you, who is more corrupt? Who in your thinking is to blame?

Is it the politician who has been entrusted with the resources of the nation to make us feel better in our own homes?

Or the security officer who thinks that his only fortunate lucrative venture is to have it today or maybe never? The officer whose responsibility it is to ensure that the people comply with the law?

Don't you think it's that civil servant who in their offices, will violently want to enter that television or radio set to get the politician hanged when the news of the squandering of millions of dollars reached him but do worse things than the ones he needs their crucifixion?

I believe you're thinking about the preacher who, with all the energy in him prays and teaches the congregation about this evil and its consequences ahead of the actor when before the throne but are busily extorting from the congregants? 

Have you realised the reader of this piece is also a part of the many, rearing this unseen evil? Yes, you, I mean.

Could you sit down and continue with me further?

The youths who think the elderly are enjoying and benefiting from the cake at hand, are desperately struggling and yearning to join in the game. They have realised it's probably the fastest and most lucrative entity than any other. Ironically, they think that those people are being complainants, who will complain about everything, when they're 'fortunate' to be part of the game. The very youths who do not care about deliberately wasting that golden opportunity in the name of getting it faster in life, which in turn, block others?

Kofi simply puts it as "lack of individual responsibility". To him, what can the authority do when the security officers who are to halt a dangerous killer [galamsey] see that responsibility as a divinely haven where what they have not had for the many years of service is just there staring at them. Their colleagues who were not selected as part of the team sit back and pray and wish that they one day, get into the good  books of their commanders to make it in the next selection.

The Headmaster, the matron or the procurement officer, who think that their last opportunity to make life better for them is sneaking out the food meant for the hungry students to sell them in the market, also think they're Saints?

That driver, who on an errand, thinks that his easier means of getting the better life he has been praying for, is to draw out fuel from the V8 car and blames it on excessive fuel consumption by the car also says what?

Or we are leaving out the buyer of the cocoa from the poor farmer, who has tightened the scale with unseen excesses also listens to the radio and would want to smash the radio set when he hears that the politician is in the headlines for bad reasons.

For it to be an all inclusive activity, have you quickly come to the realisation that that individual in an office who is to recruit or make sure the employees salary is reflected in their accounts also says, "hands go, hands come"?

The home of justice is also not left out. Intentional delay of justice has been a mere normal.

Interestingly ALL OF US want our county to be a better place for us all but ALL OF US are involved in making sure the evil continues to live with us.

Arise, O! Ghanaians, for our country. The nation demands our devotion. Let us all unite to uphold her and make her great and strong. WE ARE ALL INVOLVED in burying this evil, far away from our land.



Oscar Anning OGEE, Social Activist. 

+233 50 233 9821


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