First AAM-USTED Lecturer to Take Covid-19 Vaccine Revealed I mcbashmedia


After the last nations address by the president Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo who annouced the arrival of 600,000 covid-19 vaccine in Ghana, these vaccines has therefore been distributed to the first targeted groups.

Out of these number, AAMUSTED clinic got 30 doses of the vaccine to the university clinic. Among lecturers to take this vaccine was the coordinator for liberal studies Mr. Kotor Asare.

Mr. Kotor Asare who also teachers various courses at the university made his certificate public after taking his vaccine, he also revealed that the vaccination continues tomorrow at the university clinic for targeted staff of the school.

The university had this to tell lecturers who went for the first vaccination; 

" We would like to thank all those who availed themselves for the vaccination exercise today. The turnout was extremely impressive and at a point we had to go for additional vaccination cards from other centres because ours got finished. 

God willing the exercise continues tomorrow (03-03-2021), it will be extended to lectures of ages 50 years and above, in addition to those with underlying medical conditions.

Let joint hands to defeat covid. Remember we are fortunate to be part of the selected few who happens to benefit from this first phase of vaccination partly because of the high number of cases we find in Kwadaso Municipality. "


Corn said…
Your English is terrible. At least take a writing class or something before you get into the blogging business.

This is unacceptable.

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