The Hope Manifesto by Nsafoa Emmanuel - NUGS Presidential Aspirant


As the days pass by students of Akenten Appiah-Menka university of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) are also preparing to elect their leaders, the battle for National Union for Ghana students (NUGS) President is becoming unbecoming as two people are lacing their boots to take over office.

One of the aspirants who is a level 200 Information Technology Education (ITE) student Mr. Nsafoa Emmanuel have today launched his manifesto he calls the HOPE MANIFESTO, the manifesto have been categorized into sub heading to address students challenges. Mr. Nsafoa Emmanuel spoke to McBash media after launching his blue prints, he said he is already in talks with development partners, NGOs and other benevolent institutions to partner him implement his vision for the masses.

Here are highlights from the hope manifesto;

He has a famous saying within his peers on campus, it goes like this:

Nsafoa Ni£

NUGS Ni£....


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