Richard Opoku Leading In First Round Voting, As Elections Run into Run-Off I mcbashmedia

  Yesterday the students of Akenten Appiah-Menka University of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) went for their SRC/NUGS elections, it was good and bad for some candidates in this years elections. As others were getting straight wins others were struggling to cross a particular percentage to be declared winners. There was some rain precipitation but that did not stop students from coming out to vote for their favorite candidates.

With that of the SRC presidential race, non of the candidates could secure the 50% plus votes to be declared winner, the elections have therefore been called to a runoff between the two leading candidates in the race. Richard Opoku secured 1,519 representing 36.4% and Prince Osei Tutu secured 1,456 representing 34.4%. The two candidates will therefore go for a runoff Friday 19th February, 2021, we wait to see who becomes the next SRC President to take over from Boateng Clinton. The third candidate in the SRC elections was Mr. Henry Ebo Bernasco who manage to secure 1,197 representing 28.4%.

Elections are postponed to Friday 19th, February, 2021 for a runoff between Mr. Richard Opoku and Mr. Prince Osei Tutu.


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