UWESU Kumasi branch kick against attending naming and wedding ceremonies.

UWESU is an acronym that stands for Upper west students union and have branches across the length and breath of various universities in Ghana. The union membership is limited to all natives of the whole upper west region, it include Wa East and West distincts, Nadowli and Lawra districts, Sissala East and West districts and Lambussie district among others. The Kumasi chapter of UWESU met the second time today to deliberate on the success of the union and also to talk about welfare issues of members, after their last meeting a committee was tasked to put together a working welfare constitution. Presenting the policy document to the whole house, they include how one could benefit from the welfare. Mr. Peter Claver Kuubeizong mentioned; Naming ceremony, wedding ceremony, funerals and sickness. After he finished presenting the document, he then asked for inputs to be made to the document for full house to adopt. It was there majority of the students kicked agains...