
Showing posts from 2019

Christmas season advice and it's importance: Article by Sinto Abdulai l mcbashmedia

Christmas is an elated elite fest which is celebrated by most Christians all over the world to remember the glorious birth of Jesus Christ. This symbolic poignant event which comes on December 25th of every year, to mark the birth, love, and the legacies of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to save the world from the misery of sin. Christmas is a season for; remission of Sins, rejuvenation of family tires, Love, forgiveness, and a season where goodies are shared to the poor to also feel the hope and promises that Jesus Christ brought to the world, however Christmas has been misunderstood because of diminutive knowledge by most Christians which is worrying and it calls for collective concern.  The birth of Jesus Christ is a foundation upon which Christianity was originated and must be celebrated with aftmost care so that the purpose upon which JESUS Christ came will not be in vain. 21st century Christmas season sobers my mind making me incredulous of the kind of activities the

What Owarians Expect From The Next Hall President- An Opinion Piece By McBash

  Opoku Ware ll is one of the greatest personalities in Ghana's checkered history especially in the history of the Ashanti Kingdom. It is therefore no surprise that schools and halls including one of the most popular halls at the University of Education Winneba-Kumasi campus are affiliated to the name.  The Opoku Ware Hall of the University of Winneba Kumasi campus has had several different student leaders since its establishment. As an Owarian who stays at the hall, I have some ideas I would like to share with the general house. I have captioned them; " The four expectations of the incoming Opoku Ware Hall President"   The first expectation has to do  with proactive leadership. The incoming president should be on top of issues concerning the hall, plan all activities before their implementation. Why am I saying so, since I joined this noble hall, there were times we have had to live without water supply. So the incoming president should know this and never

Breaking News: KNUST wins Pan African University Debate Championship for the second in history.

The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) has made yet another piece of Pan African Universities Debate Championship History. The win against 13 other African countries was their second final triumph in a row in the competition – making them the first university in West Africa to do so on more than one occasion. Since the inception of the tournament in 2008, only the University of Cape Town, South Africa had won two in a row; won in 2012 and 2013. The Pan African Universities Debate Championships is the biggest African inter-varsity debate tournament held every year. Ghanaian universities first participated in the PAUDC in 2012 with KNUST and the University of Ghana being the representatives from Ghana. The PAUDC takes the British Parliamentary (BP) style made up of 4 teams of 2, with 2 teams supporting a motion, and 2 teams opposing. Debating teams are independent and compete with each other. This year’s edition saw only three institutions from Ghana,

NIA Ghana and the hidden ordeals in the country l By Dr. Sinto B Abdulai

The National Identification Authority (NIA) was set up in 2003 under the Office of the President with the mandate to issue national ID cards and manage the National Identification System (NIS). This resulted in the passing of the NIA Act, 2006 (Act 707) to give it the necessary legal premises on which to operate. In consonance with that the government under H.E Nana Addo has brought a loud applause policy to bring more than 30million Ghanaians under one database with one unique ID which will recognize you as a Ghanaian anywhere you are in the world, notwithstanding your sex and complexion, and NIA started its mass registration on 29th April, 2019. With the importance tag  to it, Ghanaians from all works of life are patronising it whole hearted, and the upper west region which has just ended with hers' is no exception despite the fact that there were some few challenges from machine errors to officials inhumane activities. Some machine challenges were as the result of p

Nandzo hall earns Bragging rights at TUCE annual inter-halls athletics competition l Write-up by Abdul-Baari

Before the the inter-hall athletics competition started at Tumu college of education yesterday to select their athletes for the 2019/2020 inter-colleges competition, it was also about which hall earns the bragging rights in the institution. Nandzo hall never disappointed as the athletes started accumulating the gold medals. Jangu hall gave them a pulsating challenge as the competition nears conclusion that evening but the gap was too wide to close. At the end, it was all merry and celebrations to the faithfuls in the Nandzo hall. Nandzo hall finished first in the overall competition  accumulating 15 gold medals, their closest rivals were Jangu with 7 goal medals closely followed by Mandela hall with 3 and then Kanton Hall finished bottom with 0ne (1) gold medal. Mahama Sandia won the  best female athlete award. The best male athlete award for Tuce 2019 went to Apuuri Philip. The best behaved hall award went to Kanton Hall. At the closing ceremony, the  Chairman of the

Signs of Real love, Students should follow the guidelines carefully l mcbashmedia

Many assume they are in love whereas it may just be an infatuation, a one-sided feeling, or just close friendship. When one acts on these romantic and sexual emotions impulsively and without according it sufficient time, it may lead to disappointment and broken hearts. True love includes respect, admiration, care, and never subjecting your partner to hurt, humiliation or any form of abuse. True love may be the kind of love that many chase after or desire, but is as elusive as a butterfly. It takes time to bloom. Many find it and are rewarded with happiness. The following are some of the signs of true love in a perfect romance (Ref. E. Arthur-“12 Signs of True Love in a Relationship”): √ Give and take in love. You give to the relationship unconditionally without expecting something back from your partner. √  Pure happiness. You are filled with happiness just watching your special person smile or laugh out loud even though you are having a bad day. √  Pain and anger. You

Plaques of SEA19 original - Acting PRO, Links Entertainment l mcbashmedia

  The plaques for winners of this year's Sissala Entertainment Awards(SEA) are in and looking very charming and innovative, the plaques will be the first of its kind in the Sissala land.    The organisers of the scheme want to bring innovation and creativity this year.   Speaking to organisers of SEA 2019, Mr. Boxer, the acting PRO of the scheme said the plaques were in and no artist should have any fear, he said the plaques will be unveil soon for all artists to see and have faith in the scheme. Mr. Boxer said they are original in nature and will last longer.   The awards is slated to take place on the 23rd of December, 2019 at Gateway travellers lodge. SEA is an annual awards scheme that was designed last year to honor hardworking musicians in the locality, last year was the first edition and this year will be the second edition. The scheme is organised by Links Entertainment, a local registered entertainment body under the registered general department at the Sissa

58-year-old Charles Gyamfi is 2019 National best farmer l mcbashmedia

Mr Charles Gyamfi, a 58-year-old farmer from the Tano North District of the Ahafo Region, has been crowned the 2019 National Best Farmer in Ghana. The 1st runner-up was Abdulai Atiku Seidu from the Upper West Region and the 2nd runner-up was Nana Yaw Sarpong Serebuo from the Ashanti Region. Mr Gyamfi is a former National Best Cocoa farmer with 25 years’ experience in farming. He is married with five children. He took home a cheque of GHS 536,000 among other rewards. He operates a highly diversified farm which comprises 500 acres of cocoa, 10 acres of cassava, 4 acres of yam, 20 acres of cocoyam, 60 acres of maize, 16.5 acres of garden eggs, 10 acres of oil palm, 30 acres of plantain, 25 acres of citrus and 75 acres of cashew and 20 acres of teak. In addition, Mr Gyamfi has 75 cattle, 28 goats, 2,000 layers, 5 beehives, 3 fishponds and 1,000 snails. To improve marketing, he is known to process citrus into juice, cassava into ‘gari’ and keeps a palm oil processing uni

Students of COLTEK donates Christian books to UEW-K on behalf of a Donor l mcbashmedia

   A benevolent church in Canada led by Brother Joseph Frimpong donated a set of Christian literature books for students of University of Education, Kumasi Campus on December 5,2019. The presentation was done by Mr. Richard Opoku (Omega) on behalf of the Canadian church. At a short handover ceremony at the school administration, the school's Registrar, Mr. Micheal Kofi Adu, Finance officer Mr. Jeffery Mensah, Deputy Registrar Mr. Ampommah, Vice Dean of Student's Affairs, Dr. Phillip Oti Agyen and other staff of the College represented the College Principal to receive the books  on his behalf. The ceremony started with a prayer by the College Chaplain and Mr. David, a member of the University Relations made a short speech indicating that this was not the first time the donor has given books to the school. He added that the usage of the books by the University and the students has made the donor to bring more books for the University. Mr. Richard Opoku (Omega), a le

GNAT, NAGRAT and CCT-G declare nationwide strike, Effective Monday

Ghana’s major teacher unions – GNAT, NAGRAT and CCT-G – have declared a nationwide strike, beginning Monday, December 9.  This was made known in a press conference held yesterday Tuesday, 5th December ,209. Watch the press conference. 

Ghana Armed forces start 2019/20 enlistment exercise l mcbashmedia

The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has commenced the 2019/ 2020 Enlistment process for Regular Career and Short Service Commission Officers. The scratch cards for the online application are on sale across the country at designated Ghana Post offices which sells for ¢50. The portal for the online application has been activated hence interested persons can log on to  to apply. The closing date for the online submission is December 17, 2019. GAF wishes to remind the general public that GAF does not employ middlemen or charge fees for enlistment. “The public is, therefore, strongly advised to desist from paying monies to any person(s) who present themselves as agents or middlemen with the promise to help potential applicants join the GAF,” a statement from the Forces said. Ghana Armed Forces further stated that “individuals who present themselves as middlemen, intermediaries or agents demanding payment in order to assist any candidate(s) should be

GREEN LEAF IN THE DRY FOREST Wisi Chongs remarkable life story - Article By Jettele. . H

He claims to be born on 25th march, 1995, even though he has no actual knowledge of the day he left his mothers womb. Many are vulnerable to this conjecturing of marrying dates to themselves. In fact, the Sissala land is no exception as it is unfortunate to have about 80% of her people being illiterates and cannot even read nor write. Sequel to this, they cannot record dates of birth of their children. Gone are the days, as it is still the status quo, that in many villages of the Sissala land when a new baby is born their parents will use the season of the year, the death of someone, a festival time etc. as the reference dates to determine the birth date of their child. The case of Wisi Chong exemplifies this narrative. Wisi Chong escaped his mother's womb somewhere in the year 1995. And typical of most traditional homes, his parents birthed many children. Out of 10, 3 passed away with 7 of them still battling with life as hard as they can, only to exist. Wisi Chong is the 4th

Endless Desire of Women in Men for Marriage - Article By Sinto Abdulai

While other women look out for tick tall, handsome and six packs men others look for industrious hardworking men with promising future, What do you also look out for in men for marriage? Save your breath, the choice of some women has landed them into many unending tears in life, if there was a second chance in life  they would have thanked GOD hundred and plus one percent times, and the choice of others has brought to them glorifying life that keeps and will keep them happy till time seizes. The likes of some women are the like of Satan they never see good in any man without money and fame, putting love on chains which will rarely break out in relationships or marriages, what a contemporary world full of deceptions and lies like game of thrones.  Dicey of this has brought a lot of divorces in marriages and separation of relationships among lads and young ladies due marriage, this is worrying especially among marriages because when separation(broken home) happen in marriages is


Poultry farming is one of the viable undertaking in the agricultural sector whose returns have been enormous  and farmers must attach seriousness just like other agricultural activities. It's however quite saddening at the low interest that is expressed by agriculturist in the sissala east municipality.  The population of the municipality has experienced an astronomical increment and, doesn't befit the paltry number of poultry farms within the municipality. As we strive to educate ourselves,  we should not build knowledge in  in silos that will limit us in achieving greatness.  The facts on grounds have now justified that the theoretically based curriculum of our country has incapacitated many graduates the very day they graduate from their respective institutions and rendering them unemployed from the first day of graduation. It's there fore against this backdrop that we must prioritize the practical aspect of our education system not forgetting the agricultural s

ABA-YEE!, The Trials And Tribulations of market women - By Anas Aremeyaw Anas

(2019 documentary) Abayee “Killer” Extortions 1 (Today@8pm) …Abayee Take Bribes And Extort Money From Hawkers To Release Their Seized Goods And Allow Them Hawk At Unauthorised Places Anas Aremeyaw Anas Reports Makola market Accra Ghana. It was meant to maintain order and make our metropolis, our malls and massive markets more civil and modern. However, by their mercenary manners and dubious modus operandi, the men mandated by the Metropoliran authorities to make the measures work, have rather made things matchlessly murkier and life more meaningless for many a motorist, merchant and major patrons of our many mushrooming markets. The Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) rolled out a very laudable initiative, “Sustainable Smart City” among others to rid the Accra city of chaos, congestions and inordinate buildings and filth by hawkers, traders and other people as one of the means of cleaning up Accra and needed everyone's effort. Already existing institutions were enhance

Government cancel December 17 Referendum over lack of consensus

 The Akufo-Addo Government has cancelled the December 17 national referendum which was meant to decide on an amendment of Article 55 (3) of the Constitution to enable political parties to sponsor candidates during local level elections. This was announced by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Sunday, December 1, 2019. As the referendum day drew closer, there was a noticeable split among major stakeholders and observers. The NDC was worried that an amendment will open district assemblies and unit committees to “the needless NDC-NPP polarisation.” The NDC’s flagbearer, John Mahama also backed his party’s position suggesting that an amendment of Article 243(1) of the constitution was more necessary. Per Article 243 (1) of the 1992 Constitution, District Chief Executives for every district are to be appointed by the President with the prior approval of not less than two-thirds majority of members of the assembly present and voting at the meeting.The General Secretary of

Our bundles no longer expire, just dial *138# - MTN to Customers

Mobile Telecommunications giants, MTN has announced to their numerous customers that their data bundles do not have any expiration dates. This move was put in place to address the growing concerns and complaints of customers about how their unused data bundles are being taken. They announced on their social media handles by sharing a photo with the caption; “Our bundles no longer expire. What could be better? Dial *138# or *567# or download the MyMTN App to access the new and better bundles and buy ANY amount you want!! #Wedey4U” HOME NEWS GOSSIP SHOWBIZ LIFESTYLE NIGERIA POLITICS SPORTS REVIEWS