Freedom Avenue Set Another Record By Providing An Artificial Roundabout I Mcbashmedia

 Members of FREEDOM AVENUE a youth group in Tumu  undertook communal labour by providing tyres to the intersection from Gwollu onto the Tumu township. 

The group out of their own volition and resources  took time to cart away heap of gravel along the main junction on the  Bolga Wa highway in Tumu towards Kowie direction. Some signages that obstructed drivers view were properly placed. 

The group wants the Municipal Assembly to ensure outdoor advertising signpost should be properly placed so it doesn't block the view of the driving public apart from ensuring public safety of drivers and pedestrians on our roads,a member explained to RadfordFM News. 

n a Facebook post after the exercise, a member of the group Mr Razak Mustapha said;

"Maybe working on the little things and acting appropriately as dutifully as we can, as responsible citizens, our communities and country will be fixed".



The challenge has now been thrown for other able youth to give meaning to the old adage, 'do what you can for your country and not expect what  the country can do for you all the time'

Source: Radford107.5FM


Unknown said…
Very commendable.

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