DISCLAIMER: "I Anas Armiyawu Has Not Resigned As EBO Running Mate, Am Still His Vice" I mcbashmedia



There is a circular on social media misleading the students fraternity about my resignation as the running mate to PETER HENRY EBO BERNASCO in this year’s SRC elections.

I wish to put on records that, the said circular is not true but rather, an arsenal deployed by the propagandist to score a cheap political points and therefore, should be treated as such.

The decision to merge with EBO BERNASCO in this year’s SRC PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS is the one that seeks to bridge the gap and loopholes that saw the SRC over the years sinking. 

I ANAS ARMIYAWU, wishes to encourage all well meaning fellow students to hold on to the hope they had over the years in “EBO CAN DO” as we discuss the very critical problems and issues that confront us as students.

Let’s not be despair, but believe in the drive of ANAS AND EBO BERNASCO spirit as they inclusively harness the potential of the SRC .

I wish to encourage all students to continue to have hope and confidence in the brand EXPECT RESULTS,  Not EXCUSES, 



Date: 18TH July, 2021.


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