'Respect Our Constitution' - Student Legal Society to SRC I Mcbashmedia

  Students of Akenten Appiah Menka university of skills training and entrepreneurial development Mampang campus is calling on their school SRC to respect the SRC constitution, student legal society said the SRC is violating some provision in SRC constitution. They are therefore calling on the school SRC to implement what the SRC constitution says when it comes to executive elections.

Read their full statement below; 


The students legal society has viewed with disdain the attempt by certain people to transgress the explicitly stated constitutional provisions of our noble institution and we won't sit aloof to allow such constitutional incongruous to rare its ugly head on our land. 

Article 14 clause 5 of the SRC constitution clearly spelt out the officers that must be duly elected by the general student body and we can't afford under any circumstances notwithstanding to the amendment of this constitution disregard this entrenched position our constitution has taken with regards to election of officers. 

It appears very strange when the students’ legal society was made to understand that, the NUGS secretary portfolio was just filled by handpicking an officer without following the due processes. 

It's even more regretting how the constitution of the local Assembly which is the highest decision making body is been handled.  Course representatives constitute one of the important organs of LA.  But we again understand that, the laid down procedures for selecting our course reps has also been compromised. 

The constitution also states that the electoral commission after conducting elections, when elected officers are sworn in, the electoral commissioner should place an indefinite ban on campus politics and campaigns and this provision has also been violated. 

The acting course reps and the appointed NUGS secretary should note that, they cannot carry themselves as local Assembly members and hence are not entitled to any allowance. 


We the members of the student legal society hereby recommend the following to the SRC and who so ever is concerned. 

1. The electoral commission should immediately open nominations for course reps and the said vacant NUGS Secretary's position and further organize and conduct elections for such.

2. After the course reps elections the electoral commission should place an indefinite ban on campus politics. 

3. If no one aspires for the NUGS Secretary position again, the NUGS president in consultation with the SRC president should appoint someone subject to the approval of the local Assembly. 

We the members of the Students’ Legal Society are expressing our misgivings on this bad precedence that is planting itself in our noble institution and calling for a reverse of events with immediate effect.  



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