
Showing posts from February, 2021

Kumasi: Mr. Tahiru Lemme Elected NUSS-AAMUSTED President I Mcbashmedia

Mr. Tahiru Lemme has been elected the President of National Union of Sissala Students of the Akenten Appiah-Menkah University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development (NUSS-AAMUSTED). Mr. Lemme together with other electees would man the leadership of the Sissala Students wing for the 2020/2021 academic year. The other electees were: Vice President, Tangia Iddrisu; Secretary - Balali Micheal; Assistant Secretary, Wiebeten Nashirudeen; Financial Secretary, Ganu Baka; PRO, Abdul-Razak Basin; Organizer, Adams Jallu; Assistant Organizer, Nafah Osman; Treasurer, Elisabeth; and WoCOM; Achan Amina Speaking during the Union's second meeting in this semester at the AAMUSTED Old Auditorium, the out-gone Vice Secretary, Mr. Obed Juatong has revealed that the membership of NUSS-AAMUSTED has, this year increased significantly, shooting-up to about 170 membership currently. The out-gone Union leadership while expressing its happiness in the numbers has charged all freshers to put their

AA-MUSTED ELECTIONS: ReBirth.....ReBirth.....ReBirth I Mcbashmedia

  My name is Peter Henry Bernasco, the SRC presidential hopeful next semester.  Team Bernasco. 

PROMISE FULFILLED: MP For Sissala East Hands Over 5 New Boreholes I Mcbashmedia

  The member of parliament for Sissala East Hon. Amidu Chinnia Issahaku this week handed over 5 new boreholes in three communities, namely Sakai, Gbenebisi, Nabulo and Gwosi lower. He went there with the constituency chairman Mr. Suara Tahiru, campaign manager Mr. Sulemana Benin, Mr. Malam Atiku, constituency executives and other campaign team members.  Revealing on his facebook page, the hon. Member of parliament for Sissala East said all the five new boreholes started in December 2020 through his private mobilization and resources. Sakai got two boreholes, Nabulo got one, Gwosi got one and Gbenebisi got the last one.  Hon. Amidu Chinnia Issahaku was back to the constituency after national parliament went on a break due to an increase in covid-19 cases in parliament. More than 10 parliamentarians and over 100 parliamentary staff had contracted the virus since it broke in the house.  Read the full quote of what The member of parliament wrote on facebook;  "I had the pleasure today

The Silent Destroyer, The Most Painful Burial......BY ABENAA TWUMWAA I mcbashmedia

The silent destroyer The most painful burial I conducted as a teacher was that of a young promising footballer who was brought back home from Ukraine because his team discovered he couldn't concentrate mentally on his career; unfortunately he met his untimely death through a mob attack when he attacked one of them. One amazing talent I used to admire his songs but I have not heard of for years too is said to be in a psychiatric hospital battling with addiction. Recently we all saw the son of a great Pastor misbehaving on social media all because of drugs. The stroke that broke the camel's back is the arrest of my favorite comedian Funnyface, was said to hear he is into drugs and it's disturbing him mentally. Gradually drugs seems to be denying our youth from enjoying life to the fullest; unfortunately a little is done to fight this evil menace assigned to waste destinies. A lot of our little ones are being deceived to think alcohol and drugs abuse are useful and the usage o

Richard Opoku Declared AA-MUSTED SRC President elect with 61.6% I mcbashmedia

  Akenten Appiah-Menka University of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAM-USTED) which used to be called university of education, Winniber Kumasi campus have today elected their SRC president in a runoff race. The school held a run-off election between the leading candidates in the first election, the run-off was between Mr. Richard Opoku aka Omega and Mr. Prince Osei Tutu aka CEAPOT.   Mr. Richard Opoku beat his contender the second time to win the first SRC president for the school, he got a total valid votes of 2,243 representing 61.6% whiles his contender Mr. Prince Osei Tutu become second again with a total valid votes of 1,401 representing 38.4% out of a total valid votes of 3,644. These figures were made public when the Electoral commission for the 2021 election made a public declaration on mynd105.1fm this evening. The electoral commission was lead by their chairman Mr. Joseph Bousari, deputy EC chair Mr. Gatuso and the secretary to the EC Mr. Rockson Eastwood. 

Mr. Richard Opoku wins first SRC President for AA-MUSTED I mcbashmedia

 Full story soon............

Team Ebo Bernasco Throws His Support Behind Richard Opoku For SRC President I mcbashmedia

  One of the Main contestant for Akenten Appiah-Menka university of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) have this evening officially endorsed team Richard Opoku aka Omega for the run-off coming tomorrow, he has therefore directed his team to support team PSF. Mr. Peter Henry Bernasco is an IT student of AAMUSTED, he came third during the just ended SRC/NUGS elections held last Tuesday, speaking to Ebo Bernasco this evening, Ebo Bernasco told mcbashmedia that he has taken this decision without any conditionalities. He said he has agreed to support Omega because he believes in his vision and more importantly how he was approached. " my team spoke with team Bernasco and have agreed to support him with no condition " he revealed with mcbashmedia this evening. He said as a youth there is still more life to him and know knows what will happen in the future, he said he has no problems with any other candidate and that he is fine with the two candidates contest

Muhammed Arthur for AA-MSTED GMSA President I mcbashmedia

  Mr. Muhammed Arthur is a level 200 BSC. Information technology education student of Akenten Appiah-Menka University of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED),  he comes from Takoradi an HND holder in automotive engineering as a profession from (T poly), he is current the CEO of university students for skills training and entrepreneurial development ( USSTED). He has been a committed Muslim since he joined the institution in 2019/2020 academic year. He is aspiring to become the next GMSA President, speaking to Mcbash Media here are some of his policies Mr. Muhammed will bring on board when voted the next GMSA president.  " 1. Promoting mobile QUR'AN  2. Masjid Advancement 3. Seeking sponsors to support GMSA  4. Separation female wash room from men. 5. Skill training for Muslim umah 6. Condemning of Tribalism (campaign for equality) 7. Paperless work in GSMSA "  Is tomorrow, Mr. Muhammed Arthur is calling on all GMSA members to vote him as the next GMS

The Elections Were Compromised Not To Reflect The Will Of The Masses- Ebo Bernasco I mcbashmedia

  One of the leading contenders in this years SRC presidential elections held yesterday at Akenten Appiah-Menka university of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) campus said he was not satisfied with the precess but he accept the results, Mr. peter Henry Bernasco released a communique to thank his teaming supporters who came out in their number to vote for him.  Mr. Ebo is a level 300 BSc. Information Technology education student of AAMUSTED, he placed third in the just ended SRC presidential elections. Mr. Ebo secure 1197 representing 28.4%, he has since accepted defeat even though he thinks the elections did not reflect the will of the students. Read the full statement from office of TEAM BERNASCO. "Dear brothers and sister,  MESSAGE OF APPRECIATION FROM TEAM BERNASCO.  We are deeply moved by the expression of confidence from the university community, we are immensely grateful to the family, friends and loyal supporters who so generously contributed their

"We shall deliver to the fullest of our capacity" - Isaac Tawiah I mcbashmedia

Elections are over and aspirants who have won are rendering appreciation to students, that of the SRC sports and games secretary and treasure are the first to render appreciation. They two have promised to take the sports of AAMUSTED to the next level since the school is now a full university on its own and will represent the school in university games.  The two winners, Mr. Tawiah Isaac SRC sports and games secretary elect and Miss Kate Wadieh sports and games treasure elect have jointly released a letter of appreciation to all students of AAMUSTED; here is their full message.  "YOUR FAITH IN US WILL NEVER GO UNAPPRECIATED"_ I, Tawiah Isaac the SRC Sports and Games General Secretary and Kate Wadieh SRC Sports and Games Treasurer Elect wish to express our profoundess appreciation for the overwhelming endorsement to man the affairs  of the Secretariat as we seek to take AAM-USTED to the next pedestal.  We shall never relent but for the hope and confidence the good people of AA

Richard Opoku Leading In First Round Voting, As Elections Run into Run-Off I mcbashmedia

  Yesterday the students of Akenten Appiah-Menka University of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) went for their SRC/NUGS elections, it was good and bad for some candidates in this years elections. As others were getting straight wins others were struggling to cross a particular percentage to be declared winners. There was some rain precipitation but that did not stop students from coming out to vote for their favorite candidates. With that of the SRC presidential race, non of the candidates could secure the 50% plus votes to be declared winner, the elections have therefore been called to a runoff between the two leading candidates in the race. Richard Opoku secured 1,519 representing 36.4% and Prince Osei Tutu secured 1,456 representing 34.4%. The two candidates will therefore go for a runoff Friday 19th February, 2021, we wait to see who becomes the next SRC President to take over from Boateng Clinton. The third candidate in the SRC elections was Mr. Henry Ebo

Sir Duah beat Desmond Marfo to become the 20th Opoku Ware II hall president I mcbashmedia

  Opoku Ware II hall is now over with their inability to elect a hall president in the first voting as Afoawka Duah moved from second position to the first position, Mr. Afoakwa is the new Opoku Ware II hall president at the second voting, he beat his lead contender in the first election to take over as hall president. Mr. Afoakwa Duah aka Sir Duah who is a level 300 Bsc. Mathematics education student of AAMUSTED yesterday secured a total valid votes of 580 Whiles his contender got 506, this second action occurred when the hall was unable to elect a hall president in the first round. In the first round four candidate went for the elections namely Mr. Afoakwah Duah- 255 (26.4%), Mr. Mekikimini Eric Kumah 218 (22.6%), Mr. Desmond Marfo 273 (28.3), Mr. Afrifa Katakyie George 219 (22.7%). From the above election even though Mr.Desmond Marfo was leading but he could not cross the 50% plus votes to become the winner, the reason why there was a round off yesterday. Mr. Afoakwa came from secon

'Omega the SRC President', The New Anthem On AA-MUSTED Campus I mcbashmedia

  Richard Opoku who is popularly called by his peers as Omega is the new adopted anthem being circulated on campus, since his declaration of intent to contest as SRC president it has send headache to his competitors. What is even more worried now about Mr. Opoku competitors is how the student body of Akenten Appiah-Menka Univision of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) are hailing his name is all levels and classes. Now every corner you pass on campus is Omega, people have come to appreciate his worth and what he can offer as the new incoming SRC president for the school. He is being mentored by most lecturers on campus, he has been close to the administration since he joined the school, he did donations with the support of external sources to support the school scripture Union last year.  The Students now thinks he is the only aspirant with deliverable manifesto, a manifesto that is student centered, a manifesto that puts students first in everything. Tomorrow i

The Hope Manifesto by Nsafoa Emmanuel - NUGS Presidential Aspirant

  As the days pass by students of Akenten Appiah-Menka university of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) are also preparing to elect their leaders, the battle for National Union for Ghana students (NUGS) President is becoming unbecoming as two people are lacing their boots to take over office. One of the aspirants who is a level 200 Information Technology Education (ITE) student Mr. Nsafoa Emmanuel have today launched his manifesto he calls the HOPE MANIFESTO, the manifesto have been categorized into sub heading to address students challenges. Mr. Nsafoa Emmanuel spoke to McBash media after launching his blue prints, he said he is already in talks with development partners, NGOs and other benevolent institutions to partner him implement his vision for the masses. Here are highlights from the hope manifesto; He has a famous saying within his peers on campus, it goes like this: Nsafoa Ni£ NUGS Ni£....

Certified Results for Opoku Ware II Hall Elections l mcbashmedia

 The electoral commission for Opoku Ware II have today released the certified results for the elections held yesterday, the elections ended successfully for most positions. The financial secretary, treasure and secretary positions have been won first round, that of the hall president non of the candidate obtained the required 50% plus one vote. Therefore all indications are that the top two candidates Mr. Desmond Marfo and Afoakwa Duah will go for a re-run probably Monday, There will be press briefing at 12 today at the JCRC for further clarification. Read the full statement released by the elections board.  OPOKU WARE II HALL 🎓AKENTEN APPIAH MENKA UNIVERSITY OF SKILLS, TRAINING, ENTERPRENEURSHIP AND DEVELOPMENT. KUMASI🎓 🗓Date: FRIDAY 12TH FEBRUARY , 2021 .................................. Ref: JCRC 2021 FROM: THE OFFICE OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION TO: OPOKU WARE II HALL AFFILIATES (LEVEL 100, 200,300 and 400 ) SUBJECT: RELEASE OF PROVISIONAL RESULTS OF HALL ELECTIONS 2021 Provision

GNATOC election nullified and postponed to new date l mcbashmedia

Students of Akenten Appiah-Menka University of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED) who belongs to the Ghana National Association of Teachers on campus (GNATOC) have put their election of leader on hold stating irregularities as their major concern. The election was to produce new executives who will take over from the previous administration who's tenure had expired since 2020 but due to covid19 had to run till 2021, the elections held yesterday would have relief them off their responsibilities as acting executives.  The elections started as planned, all aspirants had their polling agents present at the start of voting, the voting was conducted by the electoral commission for the association with the help of the regional electoral commissioner. As voting proceeded, Some agents had the cause to complain about some irregularities they observed and they were addressed by the electoral commissioner. As time was far spent and voters were still many, an agent of on

Richard Opoku for SRC president, his vision and mission l mcbashmedia

    Mr. Richard Opoku who is popularly known as Omega  is a level 300 student of Bsc English Education in Akenten Appiah-Menka university of skills training and entrepreneurial development (AAMUSTED), he is one of the leading contenders for SRC president in AAMUSTED. He has all it takes to become a student leader and must be given the chance to role out his policies. His policies touch on all aspects of student needs, his policies have be summarized into six key pillars which will be explained below. He runs a special program called Putting Students First (PSF) agenda, his policies have been drafted from student needs. He has charisma, competence and connection to take AAMUSTED to the next level. He has a workerholic vice president who is in the person of Mr. Banu Raheem. Here are the major highlights of his manifesto; Entertainment is one of the biggest issue he has for students, here are some of his policies under entertainment and sports. The welfare, security and accommodation matt

Lockdown for another two weeks - Prof. Ransford Gyampo I mcbashmedia

  A Political science lecturer, UG & Head , youth Bridge Research institute Prof. Ransford Gyampo is calling the president of the republic of Ghana Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo to lock the country for two week, he thinks if that is done it will make Ghanaians more serious.  The lecturer who made his views known on Facebook further added that even though the borders of Ghanaians are supposed to be closed it seems opened and the importation of the deadly U.K. and South African strains of the COVID to our country Ghana. Here is what he wrote on his Facebook wall.  "Looking at the conduct of some MPs; looking at the fact that our borders remain widely open even though we are told they are closed; and looking at the fact that the measures instituted at our airports have failed to prevent the importation of the deadly U.K. and South African strains of the COVID to our country Ghana, it appears decidedly clear that we have lost the battle against COVID.  Mr President, whiles we awai

AAM-USTED 2021 SRC elections in limbo!

As class reps refused to adopt provisional CI for the conduct of the 2021 elections, the class reps have insisted that departments, halls and NUGS must elect their leaders first before SRC do theirs. They insist that was the trend before covid19 came and destroyed the elections calendar. The class reps will met toady again to consider the new CI after their concerns have been met. The elections board have also be pleaded not to increase cost of picking nomination forms, so SRC/NUGS President's still goes for Ghs250 and the other positions goes for Ghs200. All students on campus can vote but not all can contest, level 100 to 400 can vote but only level 200 to 400 can contest for the various positions to be advertised, it was also made clear that once you were in level 200 contested and won you cannot contest for the second time. There will be 16 polling station in all for the conduct of the elections, level 100 four(4), level 200 four(4), level 300 four(4), level 400 two(2) and even