THE PLATFORM19; MASA, AMES and ASSOL departments through to semi finals.

The third edition of inter debate competition between departments in University of Education Kumasi campus today had their opening debate for the various departments in the school, eight departments today had the opportunity to battle each other to see which department came first. At the end of today's competition, AMES team A, MASA team A, ASSOL team A and ASSOL team C all made  it to semifinals, in most of the position the adjudicators were all unanimous in their decisions.
The platform banner 

 In the first debate; ASA, INFOTESS, ASSOL And MASA locked horns for more than half an hour to convince the adjudicators to place them first. At the end of the contest these were the results as being mentioned by the chief adjudicator; MASA team A came first(1st), ASSOL team A also came second(2nd), INFOTESS team A came third(3rd) and ASA team A came last(4th). The first two teams in the group automatically qualifies to the next stage which is the semi final stage, so MASA team A and ASSOL team A all qualifies to the next stage. 
  In the second motion, ASSOL, AMES, HOSSAG and ASA also had their tern to impress the adjudicators to place them first. At the end of the second motion, here were the positions as being announced to the audience by the second chief adjudicator; AMES team A came first(1st), ASSOL team C came second(2nd), ESA team A came third(3rd) and HOSSAG team A came last(4th). Here the first two teams automatically qualifies to the next stage which is the semifinal, so AMES team A and ASSOL team C qualifies to the next stage. 
Franco-co Adjudicator 

   The contest continues on the 11th October ,2019, Friday where the other eight teams also battle for the first and second position to qualify to the next stage which is the semifinals. The teams that will contest on Friday are,  for the thirds motion; we will have MASA team B, HOSSAG team B, ESA team B and ASA team B. For the fourth motion; INFOTESS team B, AMES team B, ASSOL team B and INFOTESS team C will debate the motion. 
  When is done, the first two teams for each motion will qualify to the next stage to meet those that qualified today, after that the final four teams will then meet for the winner to be declared. Until then we would  have to wait for the winner. 
 The co-chief adjudicator Mr. Osei-Wusu Franco in his closing remarks called the whole students body to came back on Friday for the continuation of the debate. 

  • MASA- Management Students Association. 
  • ASA - Accounting Students Association. 
  • ESA - Executive Students Association. 
  • INFOTESS - Information Technology                                  Students Society.
  • ASSOL - Association of Languages.
  • HOSSAG - Hospitality Students Association.
  • AMES -Association of Mathematics                           Education Students.

Below is the various groupings. 


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