Inter halls over as Autonomy hall wins all volleyball games.

  Games are part of every university life because these universities depend on these fresher games to recruit fresh men and women into the University teams, today university of education, Winneba Kumasi campus organised fresher games for the various halls. Three halls today participated in volleyball inter halls, these included; Opoku Ware hall, Atwima hall and Autonomy hall.


  In the first game, Atwima and Autonomy played three sets and Autonomy hall won two sets. In the first set, Autonomy hall beat Atwima with a slit difference, in the second game Atwima came strongly and also won leading the game to the third set. In the thirds set, Autonomy won making them to play Opoku Ware in the next game.
   In the second game, Autonomy and Opoku Ware played three sets and Autonomy won. The second win for Autonomy made them the winners for the day, they scored the first and third set and Opoku Ware only won the second set. Opoku Ware finally played with Atwi for the second and third position, Opoku Ware scored Atwima to place second and Atwima came last.

  The school can now select level 100s to be part of the school volleyball team, in the last week of this month the school will be taking part in games at the main campus Winneba. Kumasi campus will meet, Mampong campus, Adjumako campus and the main campus.


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