MP For Sissala West Donated 150 Bags Of Cement To Fatchu And Kandia Communities I mcbashmedia

The Member of Parliament for the Sissala West constituency, Hon. Mohammed Adams Sukparu on the 3rd of October 2021 donated 100 bags of cement to Fatchu community to enable them construct a maternity unit at the Fatchu CHPS compound. 

This kind gesture of the Hon. MP was a fervent response to an application from the Assembly Member for the Fatchu electoral area, Hon. Issaka Sibiri who made a passionate appeal on behalf of the Chief and other opinion leaders to the MP after the community own initiated maternity facility got ripped off by rainstorm some weeks a go. 

The 100 bags of cement was received at a community dubber at Fatchu. The Assembly Member Hon. Issaka Sibiri thanked the MP for his swift response to the cry of the community and the many similar interventions that the MP undertook across the constituency. The chief in his address described the Hon. MP as a God sent servant who holds the development of the constituency as his topmost priority. The MP after the presentation urged the community continue to work in unity for the betterment of the Fatchu community.  

Meanwhile, the MP made a similar donation to the Chief and people of Kandia earlier in the day before he proceeded to Fatchu.

At Kandia, the MP donated 50 bags of cement to the youth of Kandia to help them work on a culvert that the community have initiated. The donation was received by the youth leaders of Kandia at a community dubber organized by the chief of Kandia. The chief of Kandia  also thanked the MP for the support and pledged that the donation will be put into use immediately. 

The MP in a short address thanked the chief and youth of Kandia for initiating such a project. He also thanked the youth in particular for what he described as "the high sense of unity" exhibited  over the years. He again indicated his interventions so far in bringing the central government attention to the deplorable state of the road linking Kusali, Kandia to Buoti for a permanent solution.   

The road linking kusali to Buoti through Kandia was constructed and gravelled under the GSOP project by the previous administration. The major bridge between Kandia and Buoti got broken since 2017 and has since not met the attention of the central government. This has rendered the once best road within the area a death trap. The youth of the community has since lost hope of government working on their road and has decided to work on it through communal labour. The made an appeal through social media for support of any kind.

The MP responded swiftly by making this donation whiles pushing for an immediate intervention of permanently making the road motorable ones again. 

Story by Gbene Fuseini


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