State of Affairs of NUSS AAM-USTED By Union President I mcbashmedia

National Union of Sissala Students (NUSS) held it's first general meeting on Saturday 12th June, 2021, it was attended by union executives, members from all level in AAM-USTED. The meeting was actually chaired by the union president Mr. Lemme Tahiru popularly known as Terror, from his speech he spoke about the union success and it's challenges when they took over from their predecessors. 

Mr. Lemme said the union have a large number of brothers and sisters since 2018 till date, the numbers are greater now. I reported to this university in 2018 and the number of Sissala Students has quadrupled and has since been increasing yearly .

Some of the achievement of the current executives are as follows; The current executives have been able to create a GBC account for the union, it was actually created at Tumu commercial bank. It was created at home during vacation so that executives can access the funds even during vacations.

We have been able to create a social media accounts for the union, we have an official Facebook page called (NUSS AAM-USTED- Kumasi Branch) , a Twitter account bearing the same name and other social media handles to help the union share information with members and the outside community of our activities.

The union have printed Lacoste T-shirts for members to identify themselves on campus, from this production the executives sold 49 to members leaving with one. The printing of union Lacoste will continue once members show interest in them. We plead with all members to purchase at least one to promote the existence of the union on campus.

During the vacation we printed some envelopes and distributed to members to generate funds, we had gotten some but others are yet to come, so we asked members who took the envelopes to return them even if there is nothing. He said the  union treasure will update the house of the  amount received from the envelopes. Mr. Lemme said they will continue to make efforts to gather revenue for the association.

We also begun contribution last semester but it was not all that vibrant, so we agreed to suspend it and share with the whole house when general assembly meet, the group was created for only workers on payroll. If members buy into the idea, monies realized from this contribution will be used to help needy students on campus.

By the constitution we also did some appointments, the executive board finally met and appointed members into these committees, the committees include; Judicial board committee, electoral commission committee, and Finance committee to help the Treasure collect union dues.

We also had challenges in our time and some where as follows. We took a very weak financial muscle, some of the members too were robbed and some houses got burnt, phones and laptops stollen, he advised  members to be careful. He said the security of members was very dear to them and he stated a personal experience where he  was robbed off his phone and a laptop inside their room.

We have a few people  from our union contesting for various positions and he also said the current level 200 should begin preparing themselves for aspiring next time.

He ended by thanking the union for supporting him to succeed.


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