Disability Is Not Inability, The Story Of TELE BAYOUG SAANI I McBashMedia

it's an incontestable fact that when you're bone in an environment (background) that is not favorable, you're likely to face a lot of challenges and many might believe making it big can't be impossible in our contemporary difficult times. But for Saani, he sees this as a challenge to be inspired and to forge ahead. 

Saani Tele Bayong was born on 2nd April, 1988 to Ima Damata and Baba Bamuah Tele all peasant farmers. Saani is his Islamic name but he's popularly known and called " Nabong" which is literary in our local settings and means "misfortune". Saani mother got pregnant at a time his father passed on. So before Saani was bone, his father was no more. Saani was born to a single parent and the mother and some extended family members had to struggle in nurturing him. 

Unfortunately, at the age of 10, young Saani was struck down by a Life-threatening sickness ( stroke). This sickness was so grave that warrants critical medical attention. His mother, his uncles, and extended family members had to sit on their toes in search of remedies. The sickness bedridden young Saani where his fate has now been left to nature. His caretakers have to comb around all the sissala land to safe young Saani. His mother had to sell all her little possessions in search of medicine for her only male child as of then. 

Their efforts yielded results where little Saani could walk small small. But the gravity of the sickness had succeeded in rendering the right hand and leg of young Saani dysfunctional. This situation presents young Saani with a condition where his mobility and eating an impossible thing. This condition has made his mother cry her eyes out but that has had nothing to change the dysfunctionality of the affected organs. 

Now, growing up under this threatening condition, Saani knew in advance that all odds were against him though he still remains grateful for he knows his God knows better. 

Young Saani cultivated the habit of hard work at an early stage despite his condition. He has always availed himself of doing work that can get him something to survive on. He was around going to farms, doing concrete works, helping women pick sheer nuts and what have you purposely to survive. 

And living in a village that was fortunate to have had a school not long before he was born, young Saani saw education as the only panacea to liberate him from the frustrating shackles of this life. He was sent there where he worked very hard to see if he could turn things around. 

In 2011, young Saani sat for his Basic school certificate examination. And after completing, he progressed to Issah Youth Leadership Training Institute where he studied General Agriculture.  After another sterling performance at the Issah Youth Leadership Training Institute, he proceeded to Tropical College of Agriculture Kumasi where he pursued a High National Diploma (HND) in General Agriculture where several awards were credited to him for his outstanding performances regardless of his condition. 

After national service, Saani saw the need to further his education amidst the financial challenges. He picked the UDS form to go and study for his degree in Agricultural Engineering.

As I write, Saani is currently pursuing his Degree in  Agricultural Engineering at the university for development studies. In his struggle to support him pay his fees, Saani as a student is concurrently doing his studies and working with the Moringa Connect Company in New Longoro in the Bono East Region  Kintampo North. 

Young Saani's resilience and determination have indeed lent credence to the saying that "disability isn't inability" and it has sent a signal to everyone that the word "impossible" never exists. 

Any support to give this man in his struggle would greatly be appreciated. His mobile money number is 0247277164 with the name Bayong Saani.


He is actually a hard worker.i was ahead of him one year at the college of tropical agriculture
Kojo humble said…
You're the best bro.... Live large

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