Mr. Chairman, HPERSSA executive present, fellow HPERSSA members ladies and gentlemen, I deemed it a privilege to be given the opportunity to read to you my manifesto for the portfolio of HPERSSA president.

Mr. Chairman, all protocol observed, ladies and gentlemen, I am Bright Mfum, a current level 200 student of the University of Education, Winneba, department of Health, Physical Education Recreation and Sports. I completed my basic school at Awutu Bawjiase SDA JHS in the year 2008 and pursued my high school at Swedru School of Business also completed in the year 2012. I further gained admission into Wiawso College of education for a diploma in basic education and graduated in the year 2017.  In diverse ways, I served to improve my sub group and the entire level 200 batch since first year in this university.

Mr. Chairman, all protocol observed, ladies and gentlemen, I want to use this opportunity to highlight on some reasons why I would be the best candidate to handle this portfolio. Mr. Chairman, I led a team to establish an on campus ministry where there was none. With these and other experiences in stirring an organization as a leader, I will and can do. APOSA President at both Swedru School of Business and Wiawso College of education, a departmental President of the Association of Science, Mathematics and Technical Student (ASMATS) at Wiawso College of Education and few other leadership roles I  had, makes me the ideal man for this portfolio.

Mr. Chairman, all protocols observed, ladies and gentlemen, at this juncture I will highlight on what I wish to achieve if voted into the office of the HPERSSA President. Mr. Chairman, as someone who believes with the realist, idealist, and the pragmatics, I believe that each one of us has something to offer if called upon. I would therefore challenge the welfare committee to write for the review of our departmental constitution. Mr. Chairman, article 11 of the HPERSSA constitution which spells out the duties of the executives does not include the Women Commissioners’ duty. The question is, what is her duty among the executives as spells out in the constitution? Again article 13(b) which also spells out the duty of the welfare committee also state that the welfare committees shall pay the following;

Death of spouse GH80

Death of parents GH50

Marriage GH50  

Hospitalization GH30

Death of a member GH200

 Mr. Chairman, if voted into office as HPERSSA President I will ensure the review and effective enforcement of our constitution.

Mr. Chairman, all protocol observed, ladies and gentlemen, another policy that I and my able executives if voted for will implement is the “Get them inform” agenda. Mr. Chairman, for all you know, most high school students who  have  passion for coaching have  no idea of a course in this our noble department called coaching.

 Mr. Chairman, all protocols observed, fellow HPERSSA members, during our just ended departmental week celebration our able President, Her Excellency Victoria Afrifa made it known to the entire department of the state of the HPERS press. Mr. Chairman, I will ensure it get to a complete state and available for members to use at an affordable price as compared to other prices on campus and this will help  to generate internal funds to steer the affairs of HPERS.

Mr. Chairman, lecturers represent, invited guests ladies and gentlemen, I will finally ensure that our next edition of HPERSSA ladies week celebration will be aided with enough sponsorship to avoid our beautiful ladies going around with coupons for aid. The HPERSSA ladies deserve better and that I can assure them that when voted into office.

Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, to ensure an inclusive administration, I will ensure SPED students  minoring HPERS are being recognized in almost all our departmental activities including departmental week celebration and  also general meetings without pre agenda for the meeting and item13 will be a thing of the ppast.

Mr. Chairman, all protocols observed, ladies and gentlemen, I will use this opportunity to plead with my fellow HPERSSA members to vote for an inclusive leadership. Vote for Bright Mfum and Haruna Kuri Kaayi as your next HPERSSA President and vice President. Number one on the ballot screen. God bless UEW and make our department great and strong. Thank you.  


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