See How Banners and Flyers are Performing Magic in UEW-K students.

The premises of University of education Winneba -Kumasi campus have been invaded with banners and flyers on both sides of the school compound, the banners and posters have either been nailed against a tree or wall or have been placed on walls, mirrors and walking paths. The case of Kumasi is even worst when you see some students placing their posters on bowls and books of students.

This is the second semester of the academic year which also doubles as an election year for various educational institution to take over from outgoing leaders, even though the ban on campaigning have not been lifted yet but most students have started informal campaigns thereby meeting and talking to students. In COLTEK campus you can see that all persons who have interest for various leadership positions are busing welcoming students back to campus on their banners and posters I talked about. Some write their names only, others write their names and classes, others even go the extend of writing their names, classes, vision and mission and also added targeted positions like; SRC in focus, NUGS in focus,  Opoku Ware ll in focus and many more on their banners and flyers.

One may asked can banners, posters or flyers make magic for these students? I don't know their minds but will students base on these posters and flyers and vote? But history will guide us. Speaking for COLTEK, most students are of the view that the school have produced several leaders but most of them are rebirths(students who have contested more than Once), they think that winning it the first time is very difficult and due to that most students start their campaigning right from level 200 to 400. But is that always the case? Due to this perception created years back and the convention over the period, rebirths are confident that they will pull their way through to power this time round. Below is some banners and flyers on the campus of COLTEK.

The school only prohibits level 100s but any other level can contest for any position within the school, in the coming days the School will officially lift the ban on campaigning and allow students to start filling for the various positions, they include; SRC, NUGS, departments, Unions, Halls etc.

Very soon will update you on all elections matters on the campus of COLTEK. 


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