As part of activities to accomplish its mandate and constitutional role of educating and sensitizing citizens on relevant national issues, the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has observed this year's Constitutional Week with staff of Ghana Prison Service in Navrongo, to enlightened them more on the constitution of Ghana.
The Upper East Regional Director of NCCE, Mawuli Agbenu who addressed the staff of the Ghana Prison Service at an event in Navrongo disclosed that the extra ordinary role that the security services play in ensuring peace and security in the country is crucial, hence the urgent need for them to be educated.
He further added that Ghana has observed the Constitution Week every year since 2001, and usually spans from latter part of April to the early part of May, with the aim of making all and sundry to know more about the 1992 Constitution of Ghana.
Mr. Agbenu reiterated that the security services are playing a crucial role in maintaining law and order hence the need for them to have deeper understanding of the restrictions and powers the constitution has given them, to enable them to act lawfully.
He added that the theme for this year's celebration which is "30 years of consolidating Ghana's democracy; building national cohesion through civic education and local participation", was carefully chosen stressing on the need for Ghanaians to encourage women to participate in this year's District Assemblies elections.
Mr. Agbenu praised the Paramount Chief of Bongo Traditional Area, Naba Baba Salifu Lemyarum for his active role in enticing women to venture into politics.
He further stressed on the need for Ghanaians to protect and defend the constitution of Ghana as stipulated in article 3 of the 1992 constitution of the Republic of Ghana.
A staff of Navrongo Prison, Second Class Officer, Awewugu Nabili on his part laments the interference of government in the operations of the various security services in Ghana and therefore added that it is illegal and unfair with the way things are going hence the need for politicians refrain from interfering with their work.
The National Chairperson of NCCE, Madam Kathy Addy launched this year's National Constitution Week program at the Sagnarigu Chief palace in the Northern Region with an appealed to Ghanaians to be Patriotic and zealous in protecting the vulnerable groups.
A senior staff officer of the Navrongo Prison, DSP Sapak Daniel thanked National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) for the sensitization and reiterated the need for similar trainings and sensitizations from time to time to enlighten them more. 

Story by Major Apibire


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