Fact-Check: What Chei Bafour said on the Sakalu CHPS was True and Accurate | McBashMedia

Claim: Hon. Alijata used her MP's common fund to construct the Sakalu CHPS Compound. Verdict: From very hardcore facts, the documents show that Hon. Alijata Sulemana Gbentie used her common fund to start the construction of the project. Full report: Yesterday on Radford 107.5FM night program called Open Talk Show with McBash, Mr. Wutirirah Braimah Sumaila challenged Mr. Bafour to mention a single project NDC MPs put together has done, he said Hon. Alhaji Sulemani, Hon. Halutie Dubie and Hon. Alijata Sulemana all don't have any projects to their credit. When he made this statement it brought a lot of acrimony in the studios, it was then Mr. Chei Bafour said what he said was a lie and said he has worked closely with Hon. Alijata and knows some of her projects. It was then Mr. Bafour listed Sakulo CHPS as one of the projects Hon. Alijata did with her common fund, Mr. Sumaila said it was not true and that he knows the history of the Sakulo CHPS. Mr. Sumaila said it was a p...