
Showing posts from May, 2020

We can't spend all our lives being in the queues - By Justice Ali

My Brothers and Sisters, colleagues Young Democrats and partners in crime, I strongly believe the Electoral Commission of Ghana certainly want to play with we the ordinary Ghanaians health. In this  global pandemic of Covid-19, the EC still wants to proceed with its desire to produce a new voter registration simply because she's been instructed to do so, irrespective of the  consequences. If I may ask, what does it profit a nation to compile a new voters register and visit Covid-19 on its entire population?  Has someone considered the social, political and  economic cost implications of having to deal with millions of Ghanaians in isolation centres as covid patients waiting for the nonexistent treatment? And by the way, what exactly is wrong with the current register for which reason this level of risk is being contemplated? There is something that I am not getting with the intransigence of this electoral Commission Chairperson. My heart bleeds as to why she is risking our lives fo