
Showing posts from August, 2023

Meet The Midwife Who Helped A Woman In Labour By The Roadside With Phone Light | McBashMedia

A young and practicing midwife who works at the Tumu Municipal Hospital saved the life of a woman in labour by the roadside. She had to work without any medical equipment but still demonstrated great skill to save the life of the unborn baby as well as the mother.    Madam Nawiadima Samankina was seen trying her best to deliver the baby by the street while balancing her own child on her back. She had to cut short her own schedule as soon as she saw the struggling woman on the street. The action took place in a town called Tumu in the Sissala East Municipality of the Upper West Region. It happened close to the Tumu-Bolga road at the roundabout on the 2nd of August 2023.  Assisting her was a physician assistant Mr. Mumuni Sidik and Umuhera Yahaya an Enrolled Nurse. They supported her and took the mother also to the hospital after Samankina left with the baby to the hospital. She did not only conduct the work with her bare hands but also had to rely on light from a phone to conduct this d